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Category Archives: Intelligence

The CIA is apparently preparing for a cyber operation intended to embarrass Russia in retaliation for Russian hacking of US political targets.  This is the next logical step after publicly attributing the hacks to Russia, but one has to wonder if this is the proper way to implement deterrence in the cyber realm.  The principles of Mutually Assured Destruction are every bit as relevant today as during the Cold War, but if the US is going to start meeting tit  for tat, I expect NSA and CYBERCOM to start aggressively ramping up their recruitment efforts.

It has recently come to light that the SIPRnet infrastructure at Creech Air Force Base crashed on September 9th, but where the story gets interesting is that, in the subsequent couple of weeks, US drone strikes in various locales resulted in a LOT of collateral damage, from civilian casualities to full-on attacks against US-aligned Syrian rebels.  Creech Air Force Base is located in Nevada and most of the drone strikes around the globe are controlled from its dimly-lit command center, so there is definitely room for a theory that there is a correlation between the crash and the “rogue” drone strikes.  An upcoming “surprise” security audit (pentest) might reveal some answers, but it is unlikely that that answer will ever be unclassified. Very interesting, regardless.

If you have ever wanted to learn morse code, now is the time.  A new website called allows for anyone to learn morse code, right from their computer or phone.  The in-browser dits and dots feel and sound authentic, and the best part is that it is all free.

Might come in handy when listening in on numbers stations.